Sunday, September 8, 2019

ISRO Detected Lander Vikram's Position

ISRO chief Kailasavadivoo Sivan has said to news agency that Vikram lander has been located. It has been traced, the exact location has been sent by the orbiter. It is on the lunar surface and the orbiter has clicked the thermal image of the lander but there is no communication yet. Mr. sivana said that ISRO is trying to have a contact with Vikram and it will be communicated soon.

                          Image result for vikram lander thermal images

People views regarding this are-:

ISRO has succeeded in finding out the exact location of Vikram Lander. It has landed on Moon, thermal images taken.

We will soon establish contact with it.

Victory can't run away from a nation who's PM, Scientists & people stands together as one. Let's pray for Vikram!

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Chandrayaan 2 failure isn't a setback, it's a reminder that space exploration is hard for even the most seasoned players

India came very close becoming the first country to successfully land on the Lunar South pole of Moon. Today early in the morning ,as whole nation including PM modi and all members of ISRO watched with a grief that the Vikram- the Lander went silent just 2.1 km above the south pole surface.

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Chandrayaan 2 traveled a distance of 3,83,998 km out of 3,84,000 km between Earth and Moon.
But the end is not this....
Chandrayaan-2 will study and circle the moon for a year. A successful landing would have made India the fourth country among the whole nation to successfully land on the lunar south pole.

Some key facts according to The Economic Times are-

1. ISRO is through key data sets to know Vikram's landing fate. Only 5% of the mission has been lost- the lander (Vikram) and Pragyan,the Rover. The remaining 95% i.e. the Chandrayaan-2 orbiter is orbiting the moon successfully.

2. Former ISRO director D Sasikumar told ANI that the communication line between the lander and the orbiter was still on. The communication data which is missing is being analysed for divergence. It would help the scientists at Isro unravel the fate in the 15 minutes to landing.

3.In an official communication, ISRO said Vikram's descent was as planned and a "normal performance" was observed up to an altitude of 2.1 km. Subsequently, communication from lander to the ground stations was lost.

4. Vikram and Pragyan, together, were expected to last at least one lunar day, or 14 Earth days, on the moon’s surface. It is in these 14 Earth days, the duo could have given insights on the lunar surface.

5.  Chandrayaan will try to establish contact with the lander.

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What Happened To Vikram

Vikram worked as planned and the normal performance was observed upto an altitude of 2.1 kilometers. Subsequently the communication from lander to ground station was lost. Scientists are still present inside a strike in ISRO looking into what really happened . They are analyzing data, collecting data,also having discussions among themselves as what could have taken place because everything was alright. Everything went according to plan. Just 2.1 kilometers away from lunar south pole surface, it diverted from its path and the contact was lost. 

PM Modi leaving the place where he was watching the progress of the lander went to the control room at Bengaluru and addressed the scientists-

"The country is proud of you," said the Prime Minister.

He later tweeted that the scientists gave their best.

"India is proud of our scientists! They've given their best and have always made India proud. These are moments to be courageous, and courageous we will be! ISRO chairman gave updates on Chandrayaan-2. We remain hopeful and will continue working hard on our space programme" he tweeted.

                                    Image result for pm modi hug to isro chief

Saturday, August 10, 2019


ISRO has just announced the completion of all EARTH bound operation by the CHANDRAYAAN-2 spacecraft. It is currently in orbit around the EARTH. It has performed 5 orbit raising operations and is now preparing to step aboard on its journey to moon.Meanwhile, the Mission team has released the very first set of images by CHANDRAYAAN-2. These are the images taken off the earth when the spacecraft was in orbit on AUGUST 3. These images were taken by a camera that is on VIKRAM lander. The lander is currently sitting on top of the orbiter and this entire composite body will move towards the moon. There is also a rover called PRAGYAN which is currently housed inside the lander. The lander is expected to touch down the Moon surface on September 7th of 2019.

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                                  First image of earth captured by CHANDRAYAAN- 2

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Birth of Moon


The Earth over its 4.5 billion year history has been pummeled by asteroids eroded by wind and rain, covered over with flowing lava, wrinkled and gaouged by shifts in its crust. Most traces of its distant past have long since been destroyed. But there is a place where clues to the early history of our planet are still largely intact. Scientists have been reconstructing its history by scouring its surface, mapping its mountains and craters and probing its interior regions. The Moon orbits earth at an average distance of 384,400 kilometers. Its relatively small, with less than 1 percent the surface area, 2 percent the volume and 1 percent the mass of Earth. With no atmosphere their temperature ranges from -233 degree celsius at night to 123 degree celsius during the day.

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As the brightest object in night sky, the Moon has guided people for Millennia by defining the rhythms of life and animating our myths. The nature of the Moon began to come into focus 4 Centuries ago. To some philosophers, the moon was a perfect, crystalline sphere of divine substance, free of Earth imperfections.

Galileo Galelei noted mountains and valleys on the moon, features like those of Earth. The so called Fission theory made by George Howard Darwin son of Charles Darwin, held that the Moon was once part of earth, cast off by rapid spin of its young parent.

William Hartmann Theory

Theory of Moon's Formation

William Hartmann theory of Moon's Formation is played out in contemporary scenario. Sharing an orbit with Earth was a Mars-sized body called Theia, named for a Titan in Greek myth who gave birth to the Moon Goddess, SELENE. Its orbit became unstable and it headed in Earth's Direction. Theia hit at an oblique angle, causing the Earth to spin faster and debris from both Theia and Earth to fly into orbit. When the dust settled, the debris began to coalesced in Earth orbit, forming the MOON. By then, volatile compounds like water had evaporated. That's why overall the Moon is lighter or less dense than the Earth. 

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William Hartmann died in 1998

Chandrayaan-2 Mission


Chandrayaan-2 is India's most challenging mission so far, a highly complex undertaking. The spacecraft should reach its destination when it enters an elliptical orbit of the Moon then it will approach the lunar surface. When the landing robot VIKRAM separates from the craft, the most exciting phase begins-India's First soft landing on the Moon. The selected landing site is about 600 kilometers from the lunar south pole- a region of craters on the dark side of the Moon. It has frozen ice in craters that is spotted by satellites given the High Plateau, the landing robot should touch down gently amid ancient rocks.

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