Saturday, August 10, 2019


ISRO has just announced the completion of all EARTH bound operation by the CHANDRAYAAN-2 spacecraft. It is currently in orbit around the EARTH. It has performed 5 orbit raising operations and is now preparing to step aboard on its journey to moon.Meanwhile, the Mission team has released the very first set of images by CHANDRAYAAN-2. These are the images taken off the earth when the spacecraft was in orbit on AUGUST 3. These images were taken by a camera that is on VIKRAM lander. The lander is currently sitting on top of the orbiter and this entire composite body will move towards the moon. There is also a rover called PRAGYAN which is currently housed inside the lander. The lander is expected to touch down the Moon surface on September 7th of 2019.

                         Image result for images of earth captured by Chandrayaan 2
                                  First image of earth captured by CHANDRAYAAN- 2

1 comment:

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